Bakuretsu Hunters
Diğer İsimleri: Sorcerer Hunters TV
Yılı: 1995
Türü: TV Serisi
Bölüm Sayısı: 26
Yapımcılar: Akahori Satoru, Omishi Rei, XEBEC

Big Momma rehberliğinde biraraya gelen;Carrot Glace,Tira Misu,Chocolate Misu,Marron Glace,Gateau Mocha hunterlerı oluştururlar ve şeytani büyücüleri durdurmaya çalışmaktadırlar.Hunterlerın bazı özellikleri vardır.Carrot dev bir canavara, Tira ve Chocolate ise dominatrix lere dönüşebiliyorlar..

Bölüm listesi
1 "Float-Bridge of Love"
2 "Red Flower of Life"
3 "Unwritten Laws about Light and Dark"
4 "Fireworks Competition of Love"
5 "A Dreamy Girl at Lakeside"
6 "Heresy of Love is Crystal"
7 "Love, as it Drifts"
8 "The Forbidden Fire"
9 "Labyrinth Opera House"
10 "To Love a Vagabond"
11 "Forbidden Fruit"
12 "The Fossilized Warrior"
13 "In Between Dreams and Reality"
14 "God's a Big Fool"
15 "The First Reunion"
16 "The Great Hospital of Love"
17 "Big Mama Once Again"
18 "The Gods Within"
19 "Darling is a Love-Stricken Ass"
20 "The Boy Has Seen It"
21 "A Sleepless Night"
22 "Sorcerer Hunter Spirits"
23 "The Foible of Kindness"
24 "Overture of Destruction"
25 "The Awakening of the Destroyer"
26 "A Forgotten Piece from the Future"

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